Scientific Work / Questions


For a broader view of how AIPPI’s scientific work fits into its general aim, see the website of AIPPI International at

AIPPI’s scientific work is based on Study Questions. AIPPI studies legal issues which are of high interest to the stake holders of the IP system and to law makers, usually with the goal to identify space for further harmonizing IP law worldwide. The Study Questions typically cover issues in the realms of patent and trademark mark law, but can also cover questions of design and copyright protection and/or aspects of unfair competition and specific IP related procedural and/or enforcement issues.

Before each annual AIPPI Congress, the AIPPI’s Programme Committee selects four new Study Questions from proposals received from AIPPI’s National Groups, such as the Swiss National Group (“National Groups”).

AIPPI’s General Reporter Team provides for each of the Study Questions detailed Study Guidelines combined with a Questionnaire. These documents are then distributed to the National Groups. The latter nominate Working Groups that prepare the replies to the Questionnaires, the Study Reports.

For the work of the Swiss Working Groups see our Paper on Working Guidelines.

The Study Reports reflect the relevant laws, court practice, practical experiences and suggestions for potential harmonization initiatives in the jurisdiction of the respective National Group. The General Reporter Team collects these Country Reports and prepares a synopsis and synthesis of the result in the “Summary Reports”. These work products are debated during the Executive Committee’s meetings as part of the annual AIPPI Congress and result in AIPPI Resolutions for each Study Question. Over 700 Resolutions have been passed by AIPPI, many of them with major impact on the development of international intellectual property law and doctrine. For a list of past and current Study Questions of AIPPI please see AIPPI’s Resolutions are published in English, French and German and supplied to WIPO, WTO and national patent and trade mark offices around the world.

The above method permits a global overview of the current legal situation in relation to a particular Study Question and helps to identify space for further harmonization but also potential pitfalls in cross border litigation and/or prosecution. The Study Reports and Summary Reports are a great source of invaluable information. If ever you need brief and reliable information about how the law and court practice might look like in a specific country in relation to a specific IP issues, just have a look!

The Swiss Study Reports are published in “sic! Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht” (link to Sic!) with the names of all active members of the Working Groups.