AIPPI General Assembly and Swiss Day
AIPPI General Assembly
Thursday, 30 March 2023
12.15 General Assembly
Hotel Schweizerhof, Berne
Swiss Day
Equivalence and Use:
two evolving challenges in the context of IP
Conference chair: Thomas Widmer, Attorney at Law, Lalive, Geneve
Part I Doctrine of equivalents
13.30 –14.00 The doctrine of equivalents in Switzerland
Mark Schweizer, President of the Federal Patent Court, St. Gallen
14.00 –14.45 The doctrine of equivalents from a global perspective
Peter Damerell, Attorney at Law, vice chair of AIPPI’s Enforcement Committee
14.45 –15.00 Q & R session
Moderation by Andri Hess, Attorney at Law, Homburger, Zurich
15.00 –15.30 Break
Part II Proving trade mark use
15.30 –16.15 The practice of the IPI
Olivier Veluz, Head of Opposition & Cancellation Proceedings of IPI, Berne
16.15 –17.00 The experience of a global player – Best practice in the Industry
Myrtha Hurtado Rivas, General Counsel Brands and Marketing Properties, Nestlé
17.00 –17.15 Q & R session
Moderation by Louisa Galbraith, Attorney at Law, MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep Ltd, Zurich
Registration and Information
Registration till Monday, 20 March 2023 to
or by fax to
Gilles Pfend, AIPPI Secretariat, +41 22 342 66 15
Registration fee
CHF 250.– (Working Group members of 2023 AIPPI Study Questions)
CHF 320.– (AIPPI members)
CHF 420.– (AIPPI non-members)
free for students
Payable to the postal account 80-11897-2
IBAN CH34 0900 0000 8001 1897 2 (AIPPI Switzerland – Basel)