AIPPI seminar on the topic “Precautionary measures”
AIPPI Switzerland is pleased to invite you to the seminar on the topic
“Precautionary measures”
that will take place on
13 September 2023
Berne, Welle 7 (main railway station)
Followed by an aperitif
Dr. iur. Meinrad Vetter, Handelsgericht Aargau
Dr. iur. Christian Josi, Handelsgericht Bern
MLaw Sven Bucher, Bundespatentgericht
The speakers will present several actual topics, ranging from ex parte injuctions to the securing of evidence and the content of prayers for relief.
We look forward to welcoming all of you for the most interesting discussions.
AIPPI Switzerland
Details of the event:
13 September 2023
Berne, Welle 7 (main railway station)
CHF 100.– (AIPPI member)
CHF 150.– (AIPPI non-member)
CHF 30.– (students and AIPPI young members)
Registration: by 30 August 2023 at